Smudging 101: How to Cleanse Your Space & Refresh Your Energy

Hiya Seasters,
I just got back from a choir retreat, and I could physically feel the difference in my home as compared to the gorgeous facilities I was just in. When I was away, I was excited to get up each day, I had lots of energy even though I wasn't sleeping as much as I typically do, and I overall was feeling so filled with gratitude. This morning, not one day after the retreat, I caught myself not wanting to get out of bed again and feeling this irritability with the world.
To be frank, the energy in my home felt dense, and I was being affected physically and emotionally by it. So I got to work cleansing myself and my space.
I took a cleansing shower, soaked up some morning sun coming through my bathroom window, went grocery shopping where I had a funny interaction with a cute old man, and then came home and smudged my home.
What is smudging?
Smudging is where you use the smoke from certain dried leaves bundled together to clear old energy from an item, space, or being. The most common bundles are made of white sage.
What has been my experience smudging?
To be honest, I've only really started smudging in the last year or so. I also only do it on occasion because I'm sensitive to smells and it can be a lot when done in an enclosed space like a home (where I'm drawn to do the most cleansing).
Anyway, the very first time I tried it, I had a curious mind that had been thinking for several days (probably weeks), "I should see what this is all about". So I ran to the store, bought a pack of different types of smudge sticks, came home and figured it out as I went.
What was your first time smudging like?
That very first time I smudged my house, I used a sage stick, a bowl, and a lighter. first of all, I couldn't keep the stick lit for very long. Second of all, I didn't really know what to say or think while walking around each space. Third of all, I was not prepared for the intensity of the smell or energy clearing that happened that very first time. I literally felt high for several hours from the dense energy leaving my space and the smell of the sage. I eventually opened my windows to air out the house because I couldn't take it anymore!
How do animals respond to smudging?
I have two cats and two dogs. They all tend to follow me around while I smudge to make sure I'm safe and that nothing is really on fire. The first time or two I smudged, the dogs would want to go potty outside right after I was done. (If you have never had energy work done, it is pretty common to have to go to the bathroom right afterwards because of your body flushing out the old energy and toxins).
Today when I smudged, as soon as I was done, all of the animals were clonked out napping.

I'm new to smudging, how do I start?
Buy or craft some smudge sticks
What smudge sticks do you recommend?
If you are new or a seasoned smudge veteran, these are the smudge sticks that feel the best to me. I have a three pack, and I haven't used even half of one stick yet in my handful of times I've smudged my spaces. One stick can last awhile!
I also said you can craft smudge sticks as well if you'd like to go down the route of growing your own sage, drying it, and binding it with some string. Personally, they aren't very expensive to buy premade, so I go that route. But don't let me stop you from living your life how you want to!
Pick a time and set your intention
This doesn't have to be super hard to labor intensive. I am spontaneous in deciding when I want to smudge, and my intention is always first and foremost to clear out the old and/or dense energy.
Grab your supplies and light your smudge
You'll need a bowl or plate to catch the ashes (You don't NEED this if you are smudging an item or being outside. I prefer to catch the ashes in a bowl when inside of a building instead of having them fall all over everything.), a smudge stick, and a lighter or matches.

You want to get your smudge stick on fire, and then blow out the fire once you have an ember glowing on the end and smoke gently rolling up.
Start smudging!
Once you got a good little smoke roll going, you can start smudging anything and everything you want to smudge. For me, I primarily smudge my home, so I typically go room to room carrying the bowl under the smudge stick and allow the smoke to get every corner. Somedays smudging only takes me maybe 10min if I'm just trying to do a light amount of smoke and energy clearing. Today it took me probably closer to 30-min because I was circling the smoke around and under all of the objects that felt like they were holding old dense energy that needed to go. Aka, you can be as thorough in getting the smoke to seep into everything, or as light as you'd like.
I also like to have a mantra going in my head while I go. The mantra typically matches my intention for the smudge sesh. Today's mantra that I sang aloud and in my head at various types was "I'm clearing all the old energy. I'm callin' in the light! I'm callin' in the light!" (This is what felt good for me today and helped guide the energy I wanted to get rid of and the energy I wanted to take its place -- energy is never created nor destroyed, it is simply transformed. So be intentional about the new energy you want to replace the old with!)
Smudging tips
- You'll have to blow on the smudge stick occasionally to keep the ember going and smoke flowing. That is normal.
- Try getting the smoke under objects so it can permeate up through them as it rises. This can be done by holding the smudge stick under the object, using your hand to waft the smoke, and by using the air in your lungs to blow the smoke on or around an object.
- When you are done smudging, run the end that was lit under water and leave it to dry on the edge of the sink.
- Have fun! This is a practice for you and you alone. It doesn't matter if someone else believes in this or not. If it makes you feel good, or has the potential to help, why not do it?
What smudging may look like
Here is a short reel I created that shows my smudging session today:
With Love and Light,
Lady Lighthouse ✨💜