Body Hair As A Woman, Let's Talk About It

Hiya my fellow Sea-sters!
While I sometimes use AI to help me format things or help with SEO, this one is going to be truly my stream of consciousness and nothing else. 🤪
Today I want to talk about body hair as a woman. For some of you, that may be a gasp moment! For other's, you may be like "yeah, I already embrace mine!" Neither is wrong, just notice how the title and this topic made you feel before we even begin.
How Society Raises Us to Think About Body Hair on a Woman
Unless you were lucky enough to be apart of a small community or new age group that has really embraced body hair growing up, you likely experienced a similar message to what I did. That being, body hair on a woman was gross, and the way to be a desirable woman was to have clean shaven armpits, legs, and pussy.
I had this realization about 5 weeks ago when I found myself going through a reality shattering event. I finally looked at myself in the mirror and questioned "what is even the point of shaving right now?" -- I always struggled getting that spot in the inner most spot of my armpit anyway. Y'know, the spot that you have to stretch the skin in different ways and angle the razor multiple different ways to try to get... ugh fuck that spot lol.
Mind you, it is also the middle of the winter where I am, and I am not a very big girl. I need all the extra help and warmth I can get lol.
Introducing the Wild Woman Era
So I stopped shaving altogether. EVERYTHING. Okay, I may have used my eyebrow shaver to get the little hairs where they like to try to form a unibrow, but that is an active decision I make that I genuinely enjoy making and enjoy how it makes me feel.
I realized in this decision that I had been shaving exactly how I saw my mother shave when I was maybe 4 and was still taking showers with her. TV exacerbated the need to shave with all the razor commercials and America's Next Top Model style shows. As soon as I was a young teen and the first signs of puberty started to show, I didn't embrace those hairs with newfound wonder. I picked up my mother's razor and clipped them from my very essence as soon as I could.
The thing is, I didn't even question it... Isn't that crazy how the destruction of something so attached to our bodies and our own appearances could become so unconscious to such a young girl? Worth thinking about as we all go forward to create a better world.
Anyway, I began calling this period of time my "Wild Woman Era". I'm not the first to coin this term, but based on how I was raised, that is genuinely what I felt like I was doing -- being a wild woman breaking societal norms.
What it Has Been Like Being a Wild Woman
Y'know, I fuck with the "fuck it" attitude. Whenever I feel resistance or fear towards something, I usually tell myself "fuck it, let's do it!" or "fuck it, let's face it!" I don't want to be held back in life by negative emotions. I want to let those emotions flow through me, and move along so I can get back to feeling good/great/joyful/gratitude/love/etc.

So I embrace not shaving! This has felt like a reclamation of my body and my autonomy to do whatever the fuck I want with the body I have. I love my body so fucking much! She is amazing, and she is beautiful, and she is gorgeous and sacred, and so divinely protected.

Hell, I even took a ritualistic bath during this time while on my period and with chocolate on my body. 😂 (More on that another time lol).

This experience really helped kickstart me finding so much joy in my life and nourishing myself as I start my next chapter.

What I've Learned in the First Five Weeks of Being a Wild Woman
Now that I've been in this era for about five weeks, I have some key insights I'd love to pass along to next woman looking to unleash her Wild Woman Era.
- Being fully unshaven for the rest of your life is not the goal here. The goal is to reclaim your autonomy to do what feels good to you. Aka, try this for 30 days, and decide for yourself if you genuinely enjoy shaving or not. Maybe you'll love your natural hair, or maybe you'll decide that you actually do enjoy smooth shaven legs, bare armpits, or a well crafted up-do for your yoni. YOU get to decide what you like and the habits you have, not society or a family member.
- The hair gets itchy and prickly after a couple days when the growth starts to come in. That only lasts a couple days. You stop noticing it until around the 30 day mark, at least for me, that is when the length of my pubic and armpit hair became itchy. Luckily for me, my husband -- someone who has lived with body hair all his life without shame, informed me that you can use shampoo and conditioner on your body hair as well. It is hair after all! I did that literally this morning for the first time on my armpits and pubic mound, and it helped tremendously!
- When it comes to putting soap on the hair around your pussy, stick to only your pubic mound (the area that faces your jean's zipper). Your labia region should really only be cleaned by hand with water only to help it maintain it's natural pH balance.
- When it comes to putting soap on the hair around your pussy, stick to only your pubic mound (the area that faces your jean's zipper). Your labia region should really only be cleaned by hand with water only to help it maintain it's natural pH balance.
- Talk lovingly to your body as the hair grows in. Look at the new areas with wonder and curiosity on the magic that is her natural being-ness. Touch your hair. Play with her. Get to know her. Love her.
- I still stand naked looking at myself in the mirror before I shower, and just touch or admire the different aspects of beauty about my body, her hair, and how she has shaped herself to be the way she is. I invite you to incorporate this into your daily routine as well. You'll be amazed at how your body begins to respond to you when you show her love, attention, and admiration.

Enjoy getting to know your body better, my loves! If you do this or have done something similar, I'd love to hear about it in the comments. Let's use our voices and share our stories, so other women can find hope and healing in their life's journey.
As for me and my hair journey? There might come a time when I decide to shave again, but now isn't that time. The shampoo and conditioner relieved my gripe I was feeling with it, so now who knows? Maybe I'll keep it long term. Maybe I'll trim it when the length gets too long for my desires, or maybe I'll shave it and view it as a treat? For now, I love it and the woman it is making me. And if I do ever cut it again, I know it'll be a decision I made for me, and not because someone or something told me how my body needed to be.
With Love and Light ✨💜,
Lady Lighthouse