From Apathy to Action: My Black History Month Journey

From apathy to action, my black history month journey - feb 1 - lady lighthouse - sisterhood of the sea blog


Dear Sisters,

I'd like to start with a formal apology for not really caring about Black History Month in the past. It wasn't that I didn't believe you or the history you all have experienced. I just simply didn't care to engage in any meaningful way. It wasn't that I didn't know how, though I'm sure that played a small role, I really just didn't see where it connected to me and my life. (I know - how single-minded of me).

I'm sorry. Both for my silence and for my lack of interest in the past. 

Changing Tides

This year feels different. I don't fully know yet where I'll be drawn or what I'll be doing to support Black History Month, but what I did in the past cannot fly any longer.

I do know this:

  • I can't keep ignoring the importance in understanding Black History in America.
  • I'll be reading, a whole heck of a lot more. 
  • I'll be looking for more diverse voices to support and places to get involved. 

I'm not perfect. None of us are. 

My Ask of You

My ask of you is this. Do not dim your lights or stop making your voices be heard. If you watch or read any semblance of news right now, you'll know how quickly it appears many of our freedoms are being stripped away or attacked.

Do not back down. 

We are one. 

We will rise.

And we will rise together.

This is the shattering of our old systems and beliefs right before we are reborn into a new America. 

We can heal. We can grow. We can change as a collective. 


Love will win.

This I know. 


With Love and Light, 

Lady Lighthouse ✨💜

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