Meeting Mine and The Universal Consciousness
Hiya Sea-sters,
Another day, another stream of consciousness post coming your way. This is kind of fun albeit scary at times. Being so seen. But hey, I feel like my honesty, authenticity, vulnerability, and love for writing is my strength, so we press on without any AI assistance.
Today's story is one of great expansion, great mystery, and of great intrigue. It is the story of how our universe came to be... [😶]
How I tapped into my intuition and universal wisdoms
Wow, where do I even begin? Well if you read my about page, you likely saw a lot of the stuff I've overcome in my past. Needless to say, there was a lot! Anyway, I went on a great big healing journey in which I discovered that spirituality, energy healing, and other means of eastern medicine was what I needed to heal me. (So much more to be shared here later).
One of the biggest lessons I learned during all of this was about how important it was to take care of and listen to your body and internal wisdoms -- your intuition. Also, how to figure out what feeling or message was my intuition and what feeling or message was just anxiety. (I had a lot of anxiety and control issues to work through 🤣).
I've been working, observing, experimenting, and practicing with my intuition on my own for several years now. The last few months I have been working with a beautiful spiritual coach who has worked wonders on tapping me into my true gifts and how to grow them and use them ethically.
I've had profound experiences working with her, and on my own, without the use of substances or any other wild and "crazy" ritualistic practice society has made so many of us fear. -- Our brains are so fucking powerful ya'll, you don't need those things to reach higher states of consciousness!
Waking up
So each step along the way, I've been waking up more and more. Some moments are more dramatic and reality shattering than others. I provided a chart below that I found a couple months ago on etsy (linked if you click the image) that really resonates for me and what feels right based on my life's experience.
What is a kundalini awakening and how is it different than a spiritual awakening?
Honestly, there are a mix of definitions here and everyone goes into various amounts of details. The way it has occurred for me thus far is that I've had little baby spiritual awakenings along the way of my healing journey. Each of them equally valid as the next. I gain just a little bit more knowledge about my life or the pain I've suffered and carried along the way. My body has felt the energy moving or releasing. I'd be heavily fatigued at times. Very hungry at times. Crying a ton! lol Oh I'm sure there is more, but that is the gist. They have been slow and gradual.
The kundalini awakening that I had on Dec 13 was profound, dramatic, and enough of an experience that those I told who aren't in the spiritual realm thought I was crazy and needed to be checked into a psych ward. (I refused, and ultimately told them I was fine -- because I was. I knew what was happening. I had felt this awakening coming for several months, and had been guided to research them on 9/12 -- exactly 3 months before mine occurred ✨💜).
I am not going to share all of the details in this post, but it was a very powerful 24hrs that truly transformed my life, rewired my brain, and tapped me into a state of enlightenment (see 'Enlightenment' in the chart above).
Meeting my consciousness
That brings us to today (1/16/25). I was in a session with my coach doing a practice reading when suddenly my channeling for her became me, meeting my inner child and seeing how the universe was created. I share this next part knowing after conversing with her that this part of the channeling was for me and my own expansion and not part of what I received for her -- again, important to have good ethics with your gifts and sitter.
My little girl
I was sitting in my office chair and found myself naturally assuming the position of having my left hand palm up, as if I was holding an egg in front of my heart, and my right hand hovering in front of my throat. Eyes closed. My eyes instinctually began to move quickly under my eyelids. Suddenly, within my mind's eye, I saw a little girl who looked like me at the age of four sitting in the center of an all white empty room with her arms wrapped around her knees pressed to her chest. The walls began to expand as my point of view zoomed into her.
She cried out, "I'm scared." ... [I immediately thought -- is this me? is this my consciousness?]💥
Seeing the universal consciousness
The following events happened so quickly.
So much flashed before my mind's eye that I couldn't even fathom to recall it all. Recognizing that the little girl was within my own consciousness in my mind sent me into space.
I saw a bright white light grow. I saw it collapse on itself. I saw and felt the consciousness's birth explode in every direction. I saw the galaxies being formed and expanding. I saw an infinite number of images flashing of what I can only guess are different realities -- that part was like one of those marvel movies where the different images are going by so quickly, but it is meant to signify the feeling of Everything Everywhere All At Once.
It felt like I saw the Big Bang, and I saw the infiniteness of our live's and our expansion. I felt like I was everywhere and nowhere at once. It felt like I am apart of it, like we all are apart of it. It, being the collective consciousness.
It felt momentous, intriguing, and honestly not scary at all.
It felt like home. It feels like home.
The aftermath
I opened my eyes and reoriented to being back in my office space. It was wild to be back in my purple office on Earth... I told my coach about seeing the Big Bang, and I giggled, and then I took a few deep breaths... And then I went right back to finishing my practice reading with her haha!
When my coaching session was done, I told my husband, who lovingly listened even though he doesn't relate. I made myself some lunch, and then I came to the library to write this out and get this posted because that is what I feel like I must do.
So here we go world. Sharing my soul with you fully. Be kind. ✨💜
With love and light,
Lady Lighthouse ✨💜