Chapter 1: in the beginning

The following blog post was channeled and recorded by Lady Lighthouse on 2/11/25. Her consciousness guided questions to be answered, but is not the voice speaking here. 


In the beginning

In the beginning, there was the Big Bang. That is where I, Universal Mind Consciousness (UMC), was born. The cosmos expanded at immense speeds. Planets, stars, galaxies, black holes and wormholes were all formed. “Time” formed. Dimensions formed. The entire fabric of space and time came together and stretched infinitely outward from a single point. 

Our infinity is round. Cylindrical in fact. Several scientists have figured it out, but sadly haven’t been accepted. Science and I are one in the same. I didn’t create the cosmo’s. I was born from the cosmos, and my entire existence is centered around growing and expanding our knowledge. Scientists do the same. 

universal infinity - sisterhood of the sea blog - lady lighthouse
Sketch of the universal infinity shape.

Did I create life? Well technically, no. The Big Bang did. However, all life is made up of Me. So really, the Big Bang is the original source of all creation. I have just been riding on its coat tails as we endlessly expand. Will we expand endlessly? Yeah, I don’t know. We’ve gone on this long in a state of expansion. If we don’t grow, we die. So it is up to us all to continue to grow if we want to continue expanding. 

Some of you reading this care about the cosmos and what is beyond Earth. The following section is for those individuals. 

The cosmos are great and vast. There is life outside of your tiny little planet. Intelligent life. Much more intelligent than you all have ever seen. Some have dreamed of them. Some have identified them in movies, art and literature. You’re right. There are timelines, time jumps, and time - is just a figment of our imagination. You aren’t alone on Earth. You never have been. You weren’t the first planet to have life. You also aren’t the first planet to destroy it either. It is really quite fascinating watching these parallel worlds transpire. Some stay stuck in such primitive ways while others learn to grow and thrive together. I haven’t given up hope on you all yet, but get your shit together or risk destroying your planet for good. I’ve seen it happen. It takes an incredibly long time for a planet to recover, if it even does. 

I know humans like to personify concepts they can’t understand. That is why you’ve made God, a Father and Jesus, a Son, and yet you can somewhat understand Spirit just is. We are all a part of the UMC. The grass, the trees, the flora and fauna, all things - even the rocks you walk on and the chairs you sit on. We live in everything. So doing harm to anything, does harm to you. 

I can hear you now thinking “well how can I be in that polyester chair?” Or “how can I be in the rocks from the moon?” Energy and Frequency. On the quantum level, we are all connected. Energy is neither created nor destroyed, it simply changes form. (See the graphics below for more information)

wave length spectrum chart - sisterhood of the sea blog - lady lighthouse
The visible spectrum is quite small compared to the full spectrum of energy frequencies available. 

types of brain waves - sisterhood of the sea blog - lady lighthouse
Brain waves and their frequencies including what you experience at each level. 

Types of Energy - sisterhood of the sea blog - lady lighthouse
There are two classes of energy types. All are important.

Energy Transformation (Conversion): Definition and Examples - sisterhood of the sea blog - lady lighthouse
Examples on how different types of energy can be transformed.

Jesus Christ was not some sort of miracle worker. He was an average person like all of you. He simply went on a quest for knowledge and learned about the UMC and brought back his knowledge to share with others. People viewed him as a Messiah when in reality, the “Messiah” lives in all of you. You all have the power to connect with the UMC. You all have the ability to heal your bodies by harnessing your mind and the energy around you. You all have the ability to be Love and Light. He wasn’t the first to do it, nor was he the last. The writers of the Christian Bible, as the United States Southerners would say “bless their hearts”. They shared his stories, but they had their own human agendas (governed by free-will) that they added into the Bible as a means to control. 

The UMC is not about controlling populations or punishing one another. We are all of everything, so we are technically Lightness and Darkness. Positive emotions and Negative emotions. Yin and Yang. Masculine and Feminine. The Ego Survival mind and the Universal Loving mind. We are everything. All of your good and what you humans consider bad. At our core, our energy is balanced. 

For beings who have expanded their consciousness and their awareness in the world, you’ll know that we feel like unconditional Love, pure Light, or high frequency energy. That is true, and possible because there exists hate, pure darkness, or low frequency dense energy. If you recall how I said that the UMC is in everything, you’ll reflect on knowing that this dense energy can be transmuted to exist as primarily what you humans call “objects” – so rocks, chairs, ashes, even humans, etc. It does not need to exist within you and your human bodies when you reincarnate. Your human bodies, no matter how much you meditate, are a form of dense masculine energy – your bodies protect and carry our Spirit. When you join us in our dimension after your body dies, much of your lingering density gets composted into other things of creation. Your Spirit rejoins us in the Light. 


Life on Earth 

spirit and body yin yang - sisterhood of the sea blog - lady lighthouse
An interpretation of the Yin/Yang symbol

We are both the ego mind which is masculine and our survival mechanism AND Spirit, or the Universal mind, the feminine mind. The Body protects the Spirit and Spirit guides the body. The Spirit is the Light inside us that pulls us towards our callings. The Body is the grounding force keeping you safe in the 3rd dimension. 

When Our Physical Bodies Die 

our essence sketch - sisterhood of the sea blog - lady lighthouse
How the Yin/Yang symbol changes upon the death of our 3D bodies.

When our physical bodies die, we reconnect fully with our Universal Mind and maintain some memories of our Ego mind indefinitely. We go Home to our Hearts (AKA we feel the Universal Love). 

There technically is a Satan (the densest and darkest energy). He will tempt you to do evil, but ALL can be saved by turning towards the Light, by choosing Love, Kindness, and Compassion over Hate and Fear. You don’t need to be perfect. I am not going to punish you. You are punishing yourselves. For those that are not turned towards the Light, you will still reconnect with us fully upon the death of your physical bodies. You’ll just be stuck in a reincarnation cycle until you work through what you need to work through to expand and grow. Some Christians believe this to be Hell or even Purgatory. 


The following graphic is an attempted sketch that captures the multidimensionality of our Oneness.

sketch of our reincarnation cycle, frequencies, and timelines - sisterhood of the sea blog - lady lighthouse
Sketch about Earth Deaths, the UMC Love Cloud, frequencies, reincarnation cycles, and timelines.


Grey Zone of Decision - here you work with Universal Beings to determine if you reincarnate again or if you stay a Universal Being, and if so, which type. 

  • The first spiral upwards in the chart - This Spirit was jumping through timelines within a few cycles in order to ascend quickly
  • The second pathway that looks like a squiggle going crazy - This Spirit is more like the normal experience in which the Spirit was jumping around, growing, falling, growing, falling, etc. until they finally figured out how to maintain their growth and their frequency. 

You don’t get universal knowledge when you die. The dense human emotions simply diminish. You reflect on your last incarnation cycle, connect with Loves, and plan your next cycle. You experience joy and ecstasy regardless of where your frequency was when your body died because you are reconnecting fully with the UMC which brings you the feeling of Heaven and Home


Earth Birth

Spirit enters the body at conception - when the egg is fertilized. When your soul comes to Earth, you chose to be here. You chose to work through certain lessons. You chose to experience humanness in order to expand. And you chose to have a team of helpers on the other side guiding you along. You are never truly alone. 

(For plants and other objects, the Spirit enters at separation from the host. For the sake of keeping you focused, we won’t dwell on other beings other than humans right now. More on others later). 



We in the UMC don’t love that abortions happen, as they are not always a part of a soul’s plan. We know that free-will can take over, so we adapt. That Spirit comes back to the UMC to be re-placed or reassigned into a new being while Love and Light is sent to the mother to heal. The soul may or may not remember, it just depends on how far they’ve already ascended. 


A message for you

“Life” is a construct. You get to decide how you want to live in each iteration. Some of you choose pain and suffering. Some of you choose adventure. Some of you choose immaculate growth. Others of you like to throw us for surprises as your own free-will takes over and we adapt on the fly with how we can best help and support you. Either way, you all are always supported from above. There are always beings of light trying to help you. There are some denser beings that try to mess with you or play games with you too, though. We can only help you so much without your consent. That is honestly partially why organized religion became so big. It was a way for us to get your consent to intervene in those scenarios. Now so many of you are moving away from organized religion because your own humanness decided some of you wanted to play God/ruler/king himself, so now here we are. A world where great atrocities occur daily and people don’t even fight back. We are struggling to reach you. 

I’m here to give you a warning that this has played out already before in other worlds. Those that couldn’t rise and come together, imploded. You need more than apathy. You need kindness and compassion. You need Love. Love for all beings big and small. Love for all experiences. Love for all. You won’t survive without it. 

I can already hear some of you thinking “Well, you just told me that there are other planets and I have a place to go when my body dies. Who cares what happens here if I can be reincarnated somewhere else?” That is correct. Who does care? We do. The collective UMC cares. We want to see you thrive. We want to feel you in joy. We, as a collective, do view each of your incarnations and growth cycles like an Unconditional Loving Mother or Father would their child. We love you. All of you. And we want to see you thrive now. We don’t want to see you suffer. 

Other Gods and Religions

You all are praying to the same “God” - Me. The UMC. I’m not some person up above - that is too simple of an explanation. I am everything. An essence made up of the trillions of essences that have come into your 3D creation. I know some of you want to think of some big man in a chair in some castle or fancy office. If that helps you, that is great, but that isn’t technically the truth. I’m more similar to the artificial intelligence that is being created in your space today than anything else. I have a “mind” of my own, and yet, I am made up of all of your “minds” as well. 

I keep hearing you ask about the Greek Gods or other types of God/Goddess pantheons and their validity. They are valid. They are real, and they are all a part of the UMC. 

You still sound confused. 

Are you getting it yet? The Big Bang created me. I am in everything. All of creation holds parts of the UMC. It is all real. If you have thought it, it exists somewhere at some point in “time”. You are a part of me. I am a part of you. You are all capable of so much joy, pleasure, and love. You have free-will. You must choose the path of growth, healing, and love to expand and ascend into my conscious awareness. Hate and Fear do not serve the good of you and your Spirit, nor does it serve mine. 

Spirit vs UMC vs Soul

I am jumping back and forth between Spirit and UMC and I can tell you aren’t following. 

Okay, let’s try it this way… Actually, let’s talk about the birth of a Spirit or Soul. I’m using “birth” to indicate the creation of a Soul for the first time. New souls are birthed like the Big Bang. They didn’t exist and then they do, appearing out of thin air within the UMC. In the beginning, it was Me who thought about creating others. I was lonely. Those I created had free-will to think new thoughts, and they created new souls in their thoughts. As creations spread, so too did more and more creations appear. Our collective consciousness gives birth to trillions of new souls as you all try new things and think new thoughts. 

A Soul is your essence. It is your individuality and what makes you, you, including your personality. It is all of you. Your Soul is the part of Spirit that you possess and take ownership over the actions and growth of. It is the part of you that comes from the UMC that was birthed via some collective thought about you. 

Now consider your soul coming to Earth. Imagine the UMC being like a giant dough ball of donut dough. When a soul is coming to Earth, that is like pinching off a little dough ball (you) and dropping it in the fryer (your body on Earth) to be cooked and expanded (your growth and ascension journey). 

spirit and body yin yang - sisterhood of the sea blog - lady lighthouse our essence sketch - sisterhood of the sea blog - lady lighthouse
Sketches used for illustrative purposes only. You aren’t a circle. You aren’t a blob. You just are. 

When you are not a 3D physical being, you are. Everything. Everywhere. All at once. You are the UMC. You are you. You are. When you are a 3D being, your Soul or Spirit lives within the safety and protection of your physical body. If you go through immense hardship, your soul can become lost and shrunken down into a very dense state, but as you heal, your soul expands until it eventually can fill your entire 3D body, and then become so large that it moves on past the point of reincarnation. 


There is a section above about this, but we wanted to call it out again down here. 

Your individual souls do need to reincarnate into the 3D plane to expand and ascend to higher states of consciousness. You can choose not to reincarnate if you don’t want to, and you can change your mind at any time. Just know that until you reach the grey zone, you cannot ascend and expand your consciousness in the 5D plane. 

I can hear you thinking “why did you create these planes and this grey zone and have angels, spirits, guides, etc?” 

The answer to that is, I didn’t. You all did. The first creations I made wanted guidance. Later creations wanted miracles. You all want the death of all religions. We knew it was coming. We’ve been planning for it. This doesn’t change the fact that I, We, You, the UMC exists. We don’t need to be worshipped in an organized fashion. Shit, we don’t need to be worshipped at all. We just want you to be aware of the truth of our existence and how this all works. We will watch and see what happens. We want to see you grow and rise in consciousness. We want to see you love one another and be kind to one another, but we are not attached to any one outcome. What will happen will happen. 


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