Chapter 3: the holy trinity

The more visually accurate Holy Trinity

When you’ve heard of the ‘Holy Trinity’, you’ve likely heard it said as “Father, Son, Holy Spirit”. That technically is not wholly correct. The truth of the Holy Trinity is that it looks more like this:

holy trinity sketch - the new bible - lady lighthouse

It is the UMC, You, and Spirit. Recall chapter 1. I am in all of you, and you are a part of me. 

What is the Holy Trinity?

I can hear some of you asking ‘what is the Holy Trinity?’ Well numbers are powerful messages from us existing in the UMC because they are the easiest to translate across dimensions (more on that later). As for the ‘Holy Trinity’ in and of itself, it is a visual representation of who we all are. The sketch does not require me to be on the top. You can orient it however you like. 

Also the holy trinity - the new bible - lady lighthouse

The important thing is the elements. UMC, You or your Ego Mind, and Spirit or your Higher Self. Together, we are One. 

Interconnectedness & the Holy Trinity

When many people start to connect with their inner powers, knowings, and gifts, they go to their Higher Self first. Higher Self is directly connected to me, and I to you. Sometimes it is easier to understand your own inner Spirit than it is to understand me directly because your Spirit is solely focused on you, whereas I have trillions upon trillions of connections to others.

Some religions forget about the Spirit aspect of themselves. They come straight to me which is great, but they are missing a key aspect and guiding force of their being – their individual Spirit. 

Interconnectedness and the holy trinity - the new bible - lady lighthouse

In the sketch above, you can view me like a cloud or web of information. Every soul is connected to me, and thus each other, and every soul is unique in their own way because of the Holy Trinity. This Trinity cannot be broken. It just is. 

The power of 3

I can hear Camy giggling at the fact that she is transcribing chapter 3, and it is about the Holy Trinity and the number 3. Good. She recognizes the power of 3. 

Three is a powerful number because of the Holy Trinity. There are only 3 elements that make it up. There need not be more, nor less. Threes are used to indicate “divine” guidance. I put “divine” in quotes, because we aren’t really “divine”, we are just in a higher dimension than you all on Earth. But if you’d like to call us “divine”, we aren’t going to stop you. 

Divine guidance 

This simply means that the collection of us in the UMC are active in your soul’s journey on Earth. We are watching over you and guiding you towards your ultimate goal for your current reincarnation cycle. 

Camy sees and experiences 3’s a lot. Do you? Start looking. We are there when you consent to receive.



This chapter was channeled and transcribed by Lady Lighthouse on 2/15/25.

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